Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The real question: To psych or to blog.

I swore I would study tonight.  Maybe I'll get there.
But the bottom line is school is "owning" me right now, and my job isn't helping by giving me enough hours to be considered full time.
I intend on calling in sick tomorrow.

As the weeks go on, I've accumulated several articles from my journalism classes and I believe I am getting better at it, even with the measly topics and my "maturing" ability at conducting interviews.  A little blonde Waterloo student suggested I start posting them on this, which makes sense since I rarely have anything to talk about otherwise!
I'll post two I've done at the bottom of this and you can watch me grow as a writer over the next year haha.

Jolene came up for a visit two weekends ago and it was stellar.  We had tons of fun, and it just makes me realize how much I want everyone to come up here and see what life is like for me this year.
This past weekend I went to visit Stef at Seneca and it was interesting to visit my first non-Ryerson residence hall and meet a ton of new people. Plus I've noticed sitting around a rez kitchen table with pizza pockets really provides for some exquisite bonding time.
Thanksgiving is the weekend which marks the beginning of my love for October and of fall.  And then two weeks after is HALLOWEEN.  Which I couldn't be more excited for! Only I need costume ideas.  Supply some please.
Oh and as far as now plenty of Windsor folk are going to come experience the best holiday of the year with me! Stoked.  (FYI: Yes, I do enjoy Halloween more than Christmas.)

Also this weekend was Scotiabank's Nuit Blanche which was pretty spectacular.  It's an annual festival where all the big businesses in Toronto set up strange, new agey, wtf-is-that art exhibits.  It seriously spanned across the entire metropolitan area and it began at 6:55 p.m. on Saturday night and ended at 6 am Sunday morning.  We were out all night, not getting back until 4.  The art was interesting, but borderline freaky.  What interested me the most was seeing the mass of people flooding through the city at 3 a.m. No one stayed in that night.
But the stand out moment from that night was meeting Jessi Cruickshank from MTV's the After Show.
If you don't know who she is, do yourself a favour and Youtube, or go the After Show on Mtv.ca because she's actually hilarious and a favourite of mine.
So as you would imagine, meeting her was outrageous.
Prepare, this LONG post is about to get longer.

Stef, Sheila and I were venturing around City Hall admiring the GIANT set up they had, which by the way had me under the impression that Earth was being invaded by aliens...
 When we went to read the description of the piece (which ended up being a riddle like all the others and only confused me more) I noticed a very well dressed, attractive young female walking past us.  Immediately I turn to Sheila, and say "See the girl with the grey hat?  I honestly think that's Jessi Cruickshank"
We became so curious and I convinced them both to get around her to get another look.   We literally ran up the set of stairs, swing around a small crowd, go into causual mode and walk by her again.  It was confirmed to be her.
She kept moving and we realized we had to follow.
I could not work up the courage to say anything so we continued to follow her and her party for around three blocks (mind you Toronto blocks are big).
Finally I decide to walk past her with Stef and Sheila stays behind, so I casually pretend to be looking for Sheila and just notice Jessi for the first time*cough*
I basically said something along the lines of
"I never do this, but I'm a huge fan of the After Show and of you."
She asked me my name, I told her about how I was a journalism student, she asked if i'd been to the show yet, I explained to her that I had planned to twice already and due to rotten circumstances couldn't.
She told me to come and to be sure to stick around after the show to say hi.
I got a picture with her, we said our goodbyes and she continued off with whom I'm assuming to have been her mother and brother.
She was so nice and sweet during our conversation and she could have easily brushed me off and said she was busy but instead we shared a full out conversation and I love her for being a big deal but also being genuine which is something they are already teaching us in my program.

A clip that shows off just how entertaining she is, and kind of relates to my situation...haha

Enjoy your holiday weekends.
Until next time here are two of my articles from the Streeters we've done so far.