Monday, August 31, 2009

Here we are

Saying the last few days have been hectic would be an understatement.
Leaving was hard.
The people I got to see, the biggest challenge was not thinking of it as a goodbye only a see you soon.
And really bummed at the timing keeping me from seeing a few people.

But I am here now.  My dorm room is comfy, but a mess.  People are nice and outgoing, but it's a lot of effort to be so friendly.  And spirited.  Woah.  It's refreshing how pumped everyone is...for about an hour.  Then all that energy is gone and I'm left exhausted.  Floor dinner soon and Fiesta del Fuego is tonight which sounds sweet I will try to post pictures of that and my room once it gets organized.

Until next time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A puzzle

I don't understand why things happen the way they do, when they do, or any of it. But I know not to complain about what I can't control.  It's more a perplexed feeling than it is an annoyed one anyway.
As the days narrow down,  I am trying to see everyone I can before I go, and am getting increasingly nervous as Sunday approaches.
Some pictures that define my summer:

Monday, August 24, 2009

One week..

There is officially only seven days left until I make the move to Toronto for school.  There is so much to do, so many people to see, and I am running out of time.  Summer has been good, eventful.  Maybe I'll do a more detailed post of it later on, but for now I am going to bed and posting this, my first entry, to my first blog.  Haha just another way the internet will monopolize my time.
