Monday, September 21, 2009


Alas, another week has finished and a new one just begun.

The reach I made with that statement trying to sound intellectual and serious may not have worked, but I'm trying to reflect that while uni is still great fun (the partying and even some of the work), I am starting to see opening for work and dedication I am meant to put in.
I have a story proposal due by the end of the week and I am between ideas.  Well truthfully I have one idea and am open to ALL suggestions.  It can be on anything, criteria being that we can be passionate about it, resources should be pretty available and we get bonus marks if we have impact or really get the message across.  So if anyone has ideas, seriously be kind and share.

Now I will share a story from last Wednesday that I believe is "blog-worthy"

There I am, sitting in agony listening to my Psych professor, who has been stricken with laryngitis, which made the high school leftover material even harder to follow.  Restless, I couldn't stop fidgeting, and naturally when I walked in that day I was destined to sit in the creakiest seat in the entire theatre.  I swear I would move my hand and my seat would shriek, and the future psychologists of the room were fuming by the end of class with my inconsiderate noise making.  A welcome interruption came when I received a text from Stephanie.
"Hey, what are you doing tonight?"
"Mm, not alot! I have an article to write but it's two hundred words and I'll be done quick. What's up?"
"Regina Spektor is playing and I say we go"
"Uh yeah?!  Let's."

At 6 o'clock I sprang out of my seat, filed out of the lecture hall, and back to Pitman.  I get to my room, scoop up my messy notes from my interview that morning and write my article in under an hour (and it wasn't even THAT terrible).  I freshen up, get a sketchy wrap at the Metro so I could get cash back for the show, and went to meet Stef at the subway stop.
It is now about ten minutes to 8, with the show starting at 8 but Regina not going on until about 9.  The venue was near the docks, which I had been to before and took over an hour to walk to from my school. And I wasn't exactly sure where it was either, just the area and Toronto being a somewhat large place this seemed problematic.  We didn't have time to go back to rez to check google maps.  Nevertheless we tried.  We walked, we speed-walked, we ran, down the streets of Toronto.  We made it to the docks, sought out a valuable resource by phone (Thanks Domenico), and after we ran up and down the same street multiple times trying to grasp the ideas of East and West we decided to take a cab.  We made it to the venue at 8:39 which just shows how adventurous we were because it took double the time the previous time I had been to the water.  However we then realized after paying the cab fee and dumb convenience charges making the tickets more than we anticipated, we no longer had the money to pay for the tickets.  I pleaded with the roadie/merch guy who was selling tickets who, after some convincing let me use the ATM in the upper level bar.  We pulled funds together, and finally got in the show.  The venue was small, so even though we were far back, the show was intimate and it still felt like we were there.  After squeezing through the crowds we managed a decent view, and sang along to the perky music.  Regina Spektor displays amazing and unconventional artistry-both in her vocals and instrumentals-providing a fresh sound and passion to every song.  < Obvious plug.
After the concert we walked back, got McDonald's, and went to bed.

The highlight of the whole experience for me was by far how spontaneous it was.  What with to do lists and shopping lists, there have been times when lots of planning has gone into simple trips to the mall or shoppers. This was a concert and we decided to go and actually went within two hours.
Unreal.  It really is an advantage of living here and will only become more common.

The week ended with some large parties, that on Friday made it to, too late, and Saturday simply wasn't feeling it.  Nor did I accomplish much on the homework front.  I made my first French Connection purchase, which I am still halfway between feeling guilty for and anxiousness to wear it.

Tomorrow I have my first Streeter in which I go out in the streets and ask random people questions trying to make a story out of it.  I'm excited but also terrified.

Nelly Furtado's new album came out last week, Mika's today, Brand New and Lights tomorrow, Tegan and Sara, and Tiesto on the horizon of release.  Outrageous.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I haven't been keeping up to date with this whatsoever, but it's been an incredibly busy week. I will try and summarize.

 I have met more genuinely interesting people in the past week than I have my entire life.

Orientation Week was amazing. It started with more school spirit than I could handle and lots of team work stuff that was fun for the most part. Then there were the nights which were full of shots, dancing, and meeting loads of people, from journalists to dancers, from fashion to theatre, business to social sciences.  So many people haha, and I love it.

Monday The residence olympics during the day.  Had to hold a watermelon covered in vaseline for legitimately ten minutes.  Good times even though my floor did miserably, what with our awesome cheers. The night seemed to be about party hopping.  Being smashed, going from floor to floor, party to party, running from RA's.  Ridiculously funny.  
Tuesday Similar to monday.
Wednesday Wet n' Wild during the day, a bunch of games involving water which was fun, and was mostly just a giant water fight.  After about an hour though it got really cold, and I have never gotten so many buckets of water in the face in all my years haha. That night was Jungle Pub Night, bought the most ridiculous cheetah print suspenders for it, and it was a lot of fun.
Thursday  My Journalism orientation, met some more people, getting a press pass which is sweet, and realized that this is for real.  Club night was that night and other than an egg fiasco, it was awesome, partied to the best music and then walked home downtown toronto at 3 AM. Nobigdeal. Brilliant.
Friday More partying.
Saturday Exhausted from the constant late nights, a day at Wasaga Beach was perfect to restore and relax.  Probably the last real chance at tanning this summer too.
Sunday Went for lunch with Stef and Emily which was really nice, and then the Mardi Gras Boat Cruise at night which was decent, the best parts being the view of the skyline and the people I met.
Monday Was restful considering we had class the next day.  I realized that I knew exactly how to get to the Eaton Centre and all around it, and I was able to find Adrienne's cousins house that was about a 15 minute walk from campus in the opposite direction.  Toronto I will conquer you.  Maybe.
Today First class and it was intense!  It was the first of two journalism courses this semester, and we already had to do an interview, write an article, and meet a deadline.  It was stressful and my article sucked but at the same time it felt incredible and looking back at it now, I loved it.

I'm looking forward to this year, what I will learn and what I will experience.   But I am also returning to Windsor this weekend.  It's been a long two weeks and my dorm room needs more of my stuff. Wish I had enough energy to go into details.
Until something exciting happens!